Need to Know.

Proofreading and Editing.

No one gets it right on the first draft. Even if you’re an English major, it’s still important to have a second and third pair of eyes on your work. Even the greatest heart surgeon can’t perform on herself.


A Compelling Story.

Sure your writing makes sense to you, but will it translate well to your target audience? A well written story means more than good grammar and proper use of punctuation. Sometimes you may even have to break grammatical rules to pull the reader into your book. What does good storytelling really mean?


Deciding to write a book is a huge job, but once you take that first step you start to feel really energized. Before you know it, you’re several chapters in and you can see the finish line–A best seller is in your hands!…Wait just a minute there! I think we skipped some important steps.

Lets go over some of the key points to make sure you lay a good foundation for your book project.

  • Telling a good story

  • Editing and proofreading

  • Dealing with Illustrators and Graphic Designers

  • Becoming the Publisher

  • Your readers

  • Printing and distribution

Each one of these points deserves a book devoted to the topic, but we’ll keep it brief here.


Dealing with Artists.

You’ll need a cover that sells your story at a glance, and maybe interior illustrations that carry your words and drive your point home. You need all of this in a package that’s designed well. Unless you have an intimate understanding of the craft of visual communication, you need a team that gets you and understands your vision beyond what you can communicate verbally. Good luck getting all that from someone on a website that offers five dollar deals.

Becoming an Independent Publisher.

In many cases, self-publishing means exactly that. You have to become an independent publishing company – right down to getting incorporated. 

Creating an LLC not only establishes you as a legal entity, but it also ensures that you have a tax ID number -- very important for filing taxes. It’s important that you keep track of royalties from book sales, as these will need to be reported as income.

Additionally, copywriting guarantees that your intellectual work is protected from others stealing and profiting off of your original ideas and story. 

Thankfully, there are professionals that can take care of these legal procedures for you. We recommend finding a trusted company local to you that can assist you with this, as they will better know the requirements for your location. If you can’t find a professional service nearby that you would like to use, we have a great recommendation. (Link to partners page)

Your Readers.

Arguably more important than anything mentioned above is your understanding of the type of people you want to touch with your story. Where’s your audience and how do you connect with them?


Printing and Distribution.

Getting a book printed and sent out to the masses can be the choke point that kills your dream book and banishes it to the shelves of select family and friends. Knowing your options and having a plan are critical.